Taxonomy Data

We return to the taxonomy data used in the lecture on cluster analysis. In the file taxonomy.Rdata you find seven variables measured on plants from four different taxa. We will use multinomial regression as means for classification of taxa. A code file for performing cross-validation of classifications based on multinomial regression is found in the file CV.class.multinom.R on Fronter. Throughout this exercise you may need to increase the number of iterations used in the Maximum Likelihood estimation procedure. The default is 100 iterations. For example, in exercise a. maxit = 200 should suffice.

    1. Use multinomial regression to model the probabilities of the various taxa as a function of the variable Sepal. Save the model as an object called mod1.multi. Use summary to display the results.
mod1.multi <- multinom(Taxon ~ Sepal, data = taxonomy, maxit = 200)
# weights:  12 (6 variable)
initial  value 166.355323 
iter  10 value 98.990404
iter  20 value 98.141917
iter  30 value 98.100674
iter  40 value 98.097605
iter  50 value 98.096106
iter  60 value 98.095900
iter  70 value 98.095310
iter  80 value 98.095057
iter  90 value 98.094619
iter 100 value 98.092238
final  value 98.092209 
multinom(formula = Taxon ~ Sepal, data = taxonomy, maxit = 200)

    (Intercept)  Sepal
II         1.49 -0.593
III        2.86 -1.148
IV       -48.04 13.738

Std. Errors:
    (Intercept)  Sepal
II         2.31  0.914
III        2.32  0.924
IV        84.93 24.439

Residual Deviance: 196 
AIC: 208 
    1. What are the estimated linear predictors \(\eta_j\) for each of the four taxa, \(j=1,2,3,4\)?

First we extract the estimated regression coefficients. Remember that for the reference level taxon the regression coefficients are assumed equal to zero. We therefore add a row of zeros for this taxon (here taxon = 1).

summod1.multi <- summary(mod1.multi)
co <- summod1.multi$coefficients
co <- rbind(c(0,0),co)
rownames(co)[1] <- "I"
    (Intercept)  Sepal
I          0.00  0.000
II         1.49 -0.593
III        2.86 -1.148
IV       -48.04 13.738

This gives the following linear predictors:

\[\eta_1 = 0 + 0\cdot \text{Sepal} = 0\]

\[\eta_2 = 1.49 - 0.593\cdot \text{Sepal}\]

\[\eta_3 = 2.86 - 1.15\cdot \text{Sepal}\]

\[\eta_4 = -48.0 + 13.7\cdot \text{Sepal}\]

    1. What is the most probable taxon according to this model for a plant with average value of Sepal? (Hint: If your coefficients are stored in a matrix called co you may compute the probabilities for each taxon by using the code probs <- exp(co[,1]+co[,2]*x)/sum(exp(co[,1]+co[,2]*x)) where xis the value of interest for Sepal.
x <- mean(taxonomy$Sepal)
probs <- exp(co[ ,1] + co[ ,2] * x) / sum(exp(co[ ,1] + co[ ,2] * x))
       I       II      III       IV 
0.433455 0.324557 0.241505 0.000483 
maxp <- which.max(probs)

We see that taxon I is the most probable with a probability equal to 0.433.

Extra: The following figure shows the probabilities of each taxon for various values of Sepal. Remember that these probabilities are the posterior probability estimates for the class in a classification terminology. We classify to the most probable class given the observed predictor values.

xvector <- seq(0,7, by = 0.05)
probfunc <- function(x){
    exp(co[ ,1] + co[ ,2] * x) / sum(exp(co[ ,1] + co[ ,2] * x))
probmat <- t(sapply(xvector, probfunc))
matplot(xvector, probmat, lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = 2, 
        main = "Posterior probabilities for taxa", 
        xlab = "Sepal", ylab = "Estimated posterior probability")
legend(6, 0.8, legend = c("I", "II", "III", "IV"), lty = 1, col = 1:4, lwd = 2)

We observe that taxon III is the most probable for Sepal<2.5, taxon I for 2.5 < Sepal < 3.5 and taxon IV for Sepal >= 3.5. Taxon 2 is the most probable taxon only for Sepal \(\approx\) 2.5.

    1. Execute the following plot command: plot(Sepal ~ Taxon, data=taxonomy). Use the figure to explain the result from exercise c.
plot(Sepal ~ Taxon, data = taxonomy)

We see that taxon I has the median (and probably also the mean) closest to the average Sepal length which is 3.0. Taxa II and III are very similar, but slightly further away, hence their probabilities are a bit smaller. Taxa IV has Sepal lengths much larger than the average and is thus the least probable taxon.

    1. Repeat the taxon classification of exercise c. by means of the predict() - function.
predict(mod1.multi,newdata = data.frame(Sepal = mean(taxonomy$Sepal)))
[1] I
Levels: I II III IV
    1. Use similar plots like in d. to identify other variables which are promising with regard to separating taxa I, II and III (Sepal is already a good variable to distinguish taxon IV from the others). Fit an extended model with the variables you have chosen and save the model as an object called mod2.multi.

I have found two variables which are promising; Leaf and Petiole, as shown in the figures below.

plot(Leaf ~ Taxon, data = taxonomy)

plot(Petiole ~ Taxon, data = taxonomy)

Leaf seems to distinguish taxon III from the others, and Petiole may separate taxa I and II.

I therefore fit a model with Sepal, Leaf and Petiole as predictors for taxa. This model requires many iterations in the estimation process. I set maxit = 5000 to be sure. (trace =FALSE supresses a long list of convergence details)

mod2.multi <- multinom(Taxon ~ Sepal + Leaf + Petiole , data = taxonomy, 
                       maxit = 5000, trace = FALSE)
multinom(formula = Taxon ~ Sepal + Leaf + Petiole, data = taxonomy, 
    maxit = 5000, trace = FALSE)

    (Intercept) Sepal  Leaf Petiole
II        554.9  23.1  12.8   -64.6
III       -67.1 -73.5 371.7   -51.6
IV        -68.1  63.3   6.4   -14.4

Std. Errors:
    (Intercept) Sepal Leaf Petiole
II       3631.9   574  387     465
III      9508.8  5686 3115     456
IV         21.5  4054 7258     848

Residual Deviance: 0.00067 
AIC: 24 
  • Use a Chis-square test to test the joint significance of the extra variables you added as you extended mod1.multi to mod2.multi.

We test whether the difference in deviances between the two models is significant.

dev.diff <- -2 * (logLik(mod1.multi) - logLik(mod2.multi))
pchisq(dev.diff, 6, lower = FALSE)
'log Lik.' 1.23e-39 (df=6)

The p-value indicates that Leaf and Petiole are highly significant in addition to Sepal as predictors in the model.

    1. Use the predict()function on mod2.multi with newdata=taxonomy to classify all plants in the dataset to taxa. Then apply the confusion() function in the mixlm- package to compute the classification performance of the multinomial model. What is the accuracy and apparent classification error?
pred.all <- predict(mod2.multi, newdata = taxonomy)
mixlm::confusion(taxonomy$Taxon, pred.all)
Predicted  I II III IV
  I       30  0   0  0
  II       0 30   0  0
  III      0  0  30  0
  IV       0  0   0 30
  Total   30 30  30 30
  Correct 30 30  30 30

Proportions correct
  I  II III  IV 
  1   1   1   1 

N correct/N total = 120/120 = 1

I get an accuracy of 1 and an apparent classification error (APER) of 0. That is, a perfect “fit” to the data. (Note the R-code mixlm:: for extracting the confusion function from mixlm without loading the entire package).

    1. We should watch out for over-fitting. Use the CV.class.multinom() function to run a Leave-One-Out Cross-validation to validate the mod2.multi model.
CVres <- CV.class.multinom(mod2.multi,data = taxonomy, trace = FALSE)
Predicted  I II III IV
  I       28  1   1  0
  II       1 29   1  0
  III      1  0  28  0
  IV       0  0   0 30
  Total   30 30  30 30
  Correct 28 29  28 30

Proportions correct
    I    II   III    IV 
0.933 0.967 0.933 1.000 

N correct/N total = 115/120 = 0.958

The cross-validation gave 5 mis-classifications. Taxon IV is perfectly classified, but there are some mix-up’s between taxa I, II and III. The accuracy is still high (0.96) and the total classification error is correspondingly small (0.04).